QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Designed by Alexander Schiesser MacLeod


Triest Transport


Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

Your .Tel can generate a code, which can be scanned and launched from a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software.

Align Centre







言い換えれば、あなたはステージショーや食事の支払いと同じようにあなたの費用の一部となるためにお金を考える - 最良の方法は、あなたが失って喜んでいるように多くの現金だけを取ることですラスベガスでギャンブルを取る。あなたは素晴らしいことだあなたの休暇にお支払いすることは賞金をあてにしないでくださいスロットマシンブラックジャックやスコアのことは大きな手を獲得してしまった場合。

のは、短い仮想訪問を取り、あなたが対処する必要がありますか誘惑のようなものを見てみましょう - しかし、話は簡単です。

あなたがギャンブル急に圧倒される可能性がある場合には、土地マカロン空港 - 荷物請求カルーセルで右に座ってスロットマシンがあります!しばらくの間は、スロットマシンは統計的にプレイすることができます、最悪のオッズを言えば、されていることを覚えてあなたの飛行から表示されるようにお荷物を待っている間はとても気持ちがいいものは、スロットにいくつかの宿舎をドロップする可能性があります。

ピックアップ後お荷物お泊りのホテルあなたにチェックがギャンブルのテーブルに描画されるでしょう - 結局のところ、ラスベガスはすべてに約あるかだ!あなたとラスベガスに来てもしかし、あなたが事前に少し研究を行う場合は、より多くのお金のホームを取る確率を上げることができるかもしれません。




そして、あなたは前にいるときは徒歩しようとすると、テーブルでの勝利を行う場合。何回もの人々は偉大な勝利筋がヒットしだけ自分の利益を失うことと回るも、自分のポケットに深く掘って、連勝を奪還を期待して深い穴に自分自身を掘りを終了します。あなたが利益は、あなたのポケットには、カジノホストを提供インセンティブが演奏を維持する場合でも、テーブルから徒歩ことを配置しようと達成しなければそれは難しい。覚えてオッズは家に有利に常にいることを、彼らはあなたのビジネスをしたい - さらにので、勝てば!



Foresight Gambler


Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

---------- QR Codes help you to drive more mobile traffic to your website. ------- (QR codes are widely used in Japan to store and display information, particularly URLs, which can be scanned and launched from a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software). --- QR Codes are here to stay. The key is public education and that is happening right now. 2011 is going to be a huge year for QR.

























認定有機茶は、作物として茶を栽培して事実上すべての国で見つけることができます。指定"有機茶"白、赤、緑、ウーロン茶、黒や他の茶品種に適用することができます。多くの有機ハーブティーのブレンドは、スパイスも有機栽培されている花のような他の成分が含まれています。 "有機"として茶の分類はそれではなく、茶の特定の種類や発酵のレベル生成するために農業や処理方法のみを参照します。










線やエッフェル塔で高価なチケットを忘れてください。 Sacre Coeurのが良いのビューを提供しており、それは無料です。

あなたの時間とほぼ同じあなたのお金として貴重。 、パリの最高のサイトを参照してくださいが、チケットまたはエントリの行で待っている時間を最小限にしてください。



あなたは自分自身にそれを借りて - そしてあなたの予算は - パリのオープンエアの市場のひとつでピクニックランチの買物をする。









Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010




ワインの世界は、今までより速く回転している場合:新品種を、新たな地域、新しいシール - すべては、よりグローバルなカラフルです。そして、まだ何かが変更されています:ワインがスーパーで購入している。オーストラリアのように、ラインヘッセン、またはチリブドウ近所のジュースの横に加えて、当然のことです。アドバイスやサンプル?適用されません。同様に、ウェブ上でショッピング。誰が彼のワインショップの正の意味で、国内のワイナリーとして発行すると、それだけではなく、プロのマーケティング上の彼の製品の品質と始めて進むべき道にされている場合のみの競争激化をかわすことができます。これは魅力的な表情が含まれています。


ていないワインの普及ラテン語は必須ですが、重要なコーポレートアイデンティティと一致する右トーンを見つけることです。結論: - 、創造的な魅力的なワインの現代的なマーケティングは、顧客の嗜好やテキストや設計基準の要求に持って行く。またはワインの言語でそれを置く:品質を区別。


ワインを購入する人々は、彼の感覚から気をそらすことができます。しかし、選択肢は驚くほど多くのは、味と香りに依存するのではなく、光学系に。飲み物が付いている目はと購入 - 第一印象のいずれかをされています。

腕、ウェブサイトや広告のラベル、ロゴ、チラシ、コートかどうか - 良質なワインは、魅力的なパッケージを持っています。また、プロの文章や近代的なコミュニケーションに努めています人は、パッケージを完了します。競争上の優位性を確保する。






Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Making the QR-Code way to communicate a win-win situation, for seller or manufacturer and buyer of a product.

The mobile web site can be pushed faster up the ranking ladder, because it can be promoted with QR-Codes. Therefore, mobile web sites will win the race for better SEO.
Because the Dot Tel domain, which is a mobile web site, is quasi a landing page, you could benefit from having one, by linking it to your main web site.

America is getting ready for the QR-Code revolution. Be smart, and jump on the QR-Code band wagon, while the wagon is not overcrowded.

Everybody who talks about QR-Codes, must also mention mobile web sites, in the same comment.
QR-Codes depend on mobile web sites, and vis versa.
In the near future, web sites will probably be more often accessed, on the go, and on a mobile device.

If you want to ignore mobile Internet, you might as well forget about internet, in general.
A lot of Important business transactions will happen in mobile Internet.

What can we learn from companies that are already advertising with QR-Codes?: There are big format printed codes, for scanning from a distance, and there are normal size printed codes, for scanning, when you are close to the advertisment.
A big format code, will probably reach more viewers. Offline promoting for mobile web content, will therefore require costs for ad space, costs for billboards, and costs for printing, etc.
Advertising with QR-Codes, is nevertheless, cheap, because you can generate your own personal code, for free.

You will rather need an offline advertising budget, than a online advertising budget.

The magic of QR-Code marketing, is within the interaction between print media and web media.
And the interactivety depends on wether a person scans your code, or not. Because an unscanned code, is an unread message, and a missed out opportunity to promote and sell goods and services.

That is whay you must also educate your potential customers about how to get „scan ready“, and be „ever ready“ for scanning on the go, whenever you have your smart phone with you.
This, is already a chance to build up a relation with potential customers. If you already give the customer something, he might be more willing and curious to scan your QR-Code.

Always ask: „Why should a consumer scan my code?“ Give him a reason, and simply tell him to scan your code. A QR-Code should not be a „stand alone“, or a „one man show“, but it should be an invitation to scan for more information, at the end / tail of a print media advert.

By following the following rules, you show that you respect the precious time of the consumers:
1.) Give enough interesting information, so that a consumer can decide, if he wants to scan your code, or not.
2.) Provide a mobile website, where your web link points at.
3.) Provide quality web content.

Give the user a nice experience. And build up a good and faithful customer relation.

You may see now, that the QR-Code usage has a lot of potential to boost your business and income.
Which is why you should stay tuned with QR-Codes, even if you can't see a lot of action in that field. But companies are working hard behind the scenes. And they are also working for a better experience for the consumer. Reducing or preventing frustration. Making the QR-Code way to communicate a win-win situation, for seller or manufacturer and buyer of a product.

Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

Profitipps für das nächste Mailing, von www.Weinwerbung.tel:

Erfolgreicher Weinverkauf per Brief:


Besuchen Sie unsere mobile (handy) website für Weinwerbung:


Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

35 Companies Using QR Codes in 2010

35 Companies Using QR Codes in 2010

Below is a list of 35 companies and brands using QR codes so far this year. Many people and industry experts have claimed this is the year of QR codes. This list may give you some ideas on how to use QR codes.

This article was originally posted at: QRE8.com

First, take a look at this Google Trends Chart which shows a steady increase in the world’s interest in QR Codes over the past few years. Now take look at the following list of 35 companies and their current or planned QR Code executions and draw your own ideas:

1. December 2009 – Google announces that Favorite Places will contain QR Codes

2. January 2010 – GMC uses QR Codes to promote the new Granite vehicle

3. February 2010 – The Detroit Red Wings create a QR Code Game Program

4. February 2010 – The Weather Channel allows viewers to download the Weather Channel Android APP via a QR Code on live television

5. February 2010 – Best Buy uses QR Codes to directly link customers to mobile shopping

6. March 2010 – Ford uses a QR Code in a print ad for the Figo vehicle in an Indian newspaper

7. March 2010 – Chevy places QR Codes on cars during SXSW festival

8. March 2010 – Starbucks uses QR Codes in mobile APPs to allow consumers to pay at cash with a simple scan of a phone

9. March 2010 – Addidas Japan launches the FIFA World Cup 2010 site featuring a QR Code that takes you directly to the mobile version of the site

10. March 2010 – Facebook is about to give 450mil users and brands a QR Code linking to their Profile Page or Fan Page

11. April 2010 – Iron Man uses a QR Code in movie posters to promote the sequel.

12. May 2010 – HBO trailer to promote the upcoming season of True Blood.

13. May 2010 – MSG Entertainment launches huge Dinosaur QR Code to promote their “Walking with Dinosaurs” event.

14. June 2010 – The City Of New York blankets Times Square with a huge QR Code.

15. June 2010 – Canada Tourism Commission uses QR Codes in “This Is Canada” campaign.

16. June 2010 – Canadian Mercedes-Benz dealership uses QR Codes that link to sales persons contact information

17. July 2010 – Calvin Klein New York City Billboard to promote Calvin Klein Jeans.

18. July 2010 – The New York Isanders are using QR Codes in ads for contest and promotions.

19. July 2010 – Posters for the movie Inception staring Leo DiCaprio.

20. July 2010 – New York City puts QR Codes on 2,200 sanitization trucks.

21. July 2010 – New York Magazine uses a QR Code to promote their Android APP.

22. July 2010 – Clinique uses a QR Code in ad for Vogue Magazine.

23. July 2010 – Be The One campaign uses QR Codes to help save the Gulf.

24. August 2010 – Fox will use QR Codes to promote a variety of television shows including The Fringe, Lone Star and Glee.

25. August 2010 – at&t now has a QR Code Scanner, QR Code Generator and a “Pay For” QR Code Business Platform.

26. August 2010 – PCC Natural Markets plan to use QR Codes in the produce department so that shoppers can see product-specific informational videos on their smart phones.

27. August 2010 – The City of Washington D.C. (that’s certainly a brand) partners with our friend Patrick from QRarts.com and OCTO Labs to put QR Codes on bus shelters

28. August 2010 – Universal Pictures uses QR Codes to promote the new Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie

29. August 2010 – SuperYellowPages and SuperpagesDirect Direct Mail will uses QR Codes to drive traffic to their mobile APPs

30. August 2010 – Lynx Transit Agency will roll-out QR Codes to 5000 bus stops in central Florida. They claim to be the first but as seen above I think Washington D.C. beat them to it.

31. August 2010 – Reach Toothbrushes uses a QR Code in Details Magazine .

32. August 2010 – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are proposing QR Coded fuel economy labels on the window of every new vehicle in dealer showrooms by 2012.

33. August 2010 – The GAP uses in-store QR Codes to promote their Black Magic Pant Collection.

34. August 2010 – Exit Realty, Sotheby’s International Realty and RE/MAX REALTORS® use QR Codes to Promote themselves and their Property Listings using the Clikbrix.com QR Code and Mobile Web solution for Real Estate Professionals.

35. August 2010 – The JFK Presidential Library and Musuem uses a QR Code to promote the associated Twitter account.

Related Posts

About sales Offers / new item or stock and QR-Codes

Firstly, here is some basic knowledge about QR-Codes, before you get started:

1.) You have a mobile website or .tel page with quality content.
2.) You have some special sale offers, new stock, etc.. which you have listed under a few subdomains.

3.) Shorten the main subdomain URL, so that the code doesn't get too „heavy“.
4.) Generate a QR-Code for the shortened subdomain URL which contains the sub-subdomain offers.

Skip 5.), if your mobile web site is a Dot Tel domain.

(5.) Use capital letters after slashes: The code however will be smaller.
(If you already have a Dot Tel domain, you won't have to proceed in that way.)
Example: www.mycompany.com/SUBDOMAIN03.)

6.) Add a short descripton to the code, about the offers and products.

7.) Print the code on flyers and stickers. Put a few stickers on official advert cards of super-market advert boards.
8.) Post the offers in blogs, together with the QR-Codes, as they are scannable from the screen.
9.) Offer the items in eBay/auctiva and/or your Facebook store. Also, at „Kijiji“/“Gumtree“.
10.) Put the web links on your other mobile web sites.

11.) Be sure, that you are able to deliver the items within reasonable time: Start packing the items up, and make them ready for shipping.


Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Video about QR-Codes

Scan my .tel!

(QR-Code) --> (Scanner = Smart Phone) --> (Mobile Website Content)

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

A word is nothing else, than a code, and an eye nothing else than a scanner.

A word is nothing else, than a code:


Word „Singer“.

----------------------- Profession: Singer -------------------

Human eye reads word/code (scans code), storing it in the humain brain.
Firstly, one part of the brain asks other part of the brain:

------------------------„What profession?“---------------------

Brain „decodes“ the word/code into a picture:

------------------------ Picture of a singer ----------------------

In order for the brain to answer your question, he must add word/code and picture:

------------------------ Word „Singer“ = Picture of a singer -----------------

And so, the brain delivers you a combo of:

-------------------------- Word/code + Picture -------------------------------

to the part of the brain, which had requested for an answer.
Which is the third part of the brain, as we have:
--> Brain Part 1 :
(Human eye reads word/code (scans code), storing it in the humain brain.)

--> Brain Part 2 :
(Brain „decodes“ the word/code into a picture.)

--> Brain Part 3 :
(Combines word/code with picture, to deliver an aswer to the question.)

--> Brain Part 4 :
(Storage of the understanding/delivered answer.)


4.Decode / create picture
5.Deliver result = Answer
6.Result = understanding
7.Storage of the understood

So, why can't we just read codes, like we read words?
Because we haven't learned how to read codes.
It is probably as simple as that.
When scanning a code, we have a program for decoding codes, that a programmer had developed.

Let us say, that an illiterate (analphabet) had a program for scanning text, and which would turn words and text into pictures and picture stories: Bingo!
This sort of program would only replace a skill that the illiterate had not learned in school.
However: No need to adopt the skill, if there is a cheap program around for that.

Conclusion: Everything that is related to visualisation, can be learned and adopted as a useful skill, without having to rely on computers, for those tasks.

Today, at present, we nevertheless should take advantage of some little helpers, such as mind maps, that are either existing programs on computer operation systems, or that we draw by hand, on a sheet of paper (which is still the best usage for mind mapping, if you have some practice).

Codes, are not dry stuff, and neither boring: It is about pictures, colors, and having fun by doing visualisation. The only thing: You must try to understand codes, and what is behind codes, and about the huge potential that lies within the usage of codes.

I remember having read about so called "smart chips", some years ago: Well, codes can be smart to. You just have to create or add smart, interesting quality content to that code, that can be read by a click and scan of the code.

Codes, are about mobile web content, that is of interest and some benefit for the scanner/reader/consumer/customer/client, which likes to shoot from his hip, with a smart phone.
A clicker happy shooter. Shooting text and image content on the go.

Guns are out, smart phones are in. Shoot me, scan me.


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010

Scan Me! I am the mobile friendly landing page about Tesla Motors: www.teslamotors.tel.




Share in social networks:

This is the future: QR-Code Reader. Here is a QR-Code reader we recommend

Some phones have readers' standard now and it's easy to download. Japan has been using it for years. I heard kids have t-shirts printed with a Neoreader that links it to their ‘Myspace.'

In the future, newspaper ads would have Neoreaders so readers would zap the paper to learn everything about the listing. Perhaps newspaper ads would become extremely valuable once again.

This is the future.

Access mobile web pages

A 2D code can link directly to a mobile web page. When scanned, the information is delivered to your handset without having to type the URL into your phone's browser.


We recommend the NeoReader QR Code Reader:

How NeoReader Works

The NeoReader is a universal barcode scanning application that transforms your mobile phone into a barcode scanner and allows you to access mobile web content by scanning codes from print ads, publication, packaging, billboards, retail display, broadcast media, or any other medium.

Universal means that the NeoReader scans all the standard code types (Data Matrix, QR codes, Aztec Codes, EAN, UPC, and Code 128), so NeoReader is the only scanning software you’ll need.

Install the NeoReader barcode scanning software and you're one easy click away from information you want - everywhere you go.

It's so easy to use - launch the NeoReader, click on the barcode with your camera and ZIP...the content is delivered to your phone. No typing URLs into your browser, no painful search engines, no cumbersome menu's to navigate.

If you can think it, we can link it!

The possibilities are endless.

Get NeoReader:
Please visit get.neoreader.com from your mobile device:



Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010

How to make a unique QR-ironed T-shirt?

How to make a unique QR-ironed T-shirt?

You will need to have QR T-shirt package from Kitchen Budapest for making a KIBU styled QR T-shirt. If you don't have one, and are interested in or you would like to have a QR Code T-Shirt please send us an email for this address: qrt-shirt@kitchenbudapest.hu.

Besides our QR T-shirt package, you will need an iron, an iron-table, and a tracing paper to continue.

You can generate your QR code for example using the free service on qrcode.kaywa.com. Please check what is the size of your sample QR code sticker - is should be 21x21 or 25x25 matrix. This is important to know, because you have to use a specific lengt of text to target a specific size of QR code while encoding.

(To read the QR code you will need to install decoder application to your computer or mobile device. You can find help on our T-shirt message project page under "Resources".)

For example, to generate a 25x25 pixel QR code you have to use a text containing more than 11 but less than 20 letters.

Here is a help:

21x21 QR code: 0-11 letters
25x25 QR code: 11-20 letters

a.) If you managed to generate your QR code, the next step is that you will have to reproduce it manually to have an ironable sticker.

Now you have to use the QR code sample sticker found in your package, and remove the exra pixels from it. Be careful, for you will remove pixels form the back side of the sticker, you have to think mirrored. You also have to take care to remove pixels from the white areas of the QR code.

QR code experiments

One strategy to avoid mistakes to print the QR code mirrored and remove the pixels while keeping one eye on the print.

Even better strategy is to print the QR code in the same size as the sticker, then temporary fasten the print to the sticker by tapes, and then use a pin to punch the white areas systematically to make visible holes on the sticker sheet. After doing this you can easily remove the punched parts from the sheet.

Don't trouble if you made a couple of mistakes - the QR decoders can handle some errors in the code.

b.) If you have your QR sticker you have to transfer on the T-shirt by ironing it. You will have to follow these instructions for best result:

1. Put the sticker sheet onto the T-shirt with the plastic glossy side up.

2. Put a sheet of tracing paper or fabric on the top of the transfer sheet to avoid the iron being contacted directly with the plastic side of the transfer sheet.

3. Iron it for 15-20 second by 160°C degrees with an average pressure on the sheet.

4. Wait for a couple of minutes for the sheet to get cold.

5. Remove the plastic film of the transfer sheet.
Your T-shirt you made in this way is durable and washable
at a maximum of 60°C degrees.

6. You are ready... smile and wear it!

Last step: customise your geek avatar!

Using the spare black pixels you removed from the transfer sheet you can customise the "geek" avatar printed on the T-shirt. For a basic idea you can make a feminin or masculin character as you can see on the picture below.

Or you can use your creativity at this part - just place the black pixel remains anywhere you want - to make hair, mouth, nose or shoes for the avatar - put a piece of tracing paper onto it and iron it!


A Little Bit Of QR Code Colour Loving For Dot Tel Domains

Others have noted that if you have enough contrast between foreground and background, most readers will still recognise the code – but lets make every block a different colour! Yup, it still works! Its a lot more prettier and fancier, but a thing to note is that you should still use colours that are a high contrast to the background. I guess I could have used a pale yellow instead of a white background to add more…but that’ll be just over doing it.

Source: http://www.madox.net/blog/2009/06/18/a-little-bit-of-qr-code-colour-loving/

So let me make a test with my own code, for www.Triest.Tel:


GIMP Image Editor

Rechteckige Auswahl


Rechter Mouse Klick
Nach Farbe
Mit VG Farbe Füllen
VG/HG Farbe

First Results:

Mit VG Farbe Füllen
Rechteckige Auswahl

(RGB, 2 Ebenen)


Mobile Marketing: Weitere Überlegungen

Nun habe ich:
1.) Webseitennamen kreirt und diese registriert, und mit Inhalten gefüllt.

2.) Mich mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung ausseinandergesetzt (SEO) und damit experimentiert.

3.) Des Weiteren, mich mit Mobile Marketing beschäftigt.

4.) Und wie man QR- (Quick Response) Codes überall einsetzen kann.

Jetzt wäre es doch an der Zeit, offline zu gehen: Visitenkarten mit Webadressen und QR-Codes zum Scannen drucken und verteilen.

Einige grossformatige QR-Codes in Schaufenstern, auf Autos, Fahrräder und Tee-Shirts zeigen.

Denn QR-Codes können Informationen wie Kontaktinfo oder Text enthalten (Werbebotschaften, oder auch politische Wahlbroschüren, etc.), oder auf Produktepackungen Angaben zum Inhalt und Produkt machen.

Um Ihre Botschaften in Codes zu verpacken, brauchen Sie einen Code-Generator, diese finden Sie online, bei diversen Anbietern. Dort geben sie einfach den Link Ihrer Webseite ein, oder Ihre sonstigen Kontaktinfos, wie Telefonnummern, Email-Adressen, etc., damit man Ihre Info schnell mit dem Handy (Mobile Phone / iPhone) einscannen und einlesen kann.

Falls Sie bunte Codes haben möchten: Achten Sie immer darauf, dass der Code genügend Kontrast zum Hintergrund hat.

Das Einlesen von QR-Codes ist die schnellste, direkteste und einfachste Art, wie Jemand Etwas über Sie und Ihre Produkte / Firma erfahren kann.

Durch Bereitstellung eines Codes zur rechten Zeit, am richtigen Ort, erreichen Sie Menschen einfacher und schneller, wie wenn Sie nun darauf warten würden, bis diese Menschen allenfalls Ihre Webseite im Internet entdecken. Führen Sie die Leute hin, zu Ihrer Webpräsenz: Von Offline zu Online. Und Online, kann wieder zu Offline-Kontakten führen, wenn Sie einen Verkaufsladen, eine Organisation, etc. haben, die von Kundenbesuchen, Mund zu Mund Propaganda, und von ihrem Bekanntheitsgrad lebt.

Ihre Landingpage im Web, soll die Besucher erst einmal informieren und einladen, mit Ihnen Kontakt aufzunehmen, Ihnen Etwas abzukaufen, und zu guter Letzt, Sie und Ihre Firma weiterzuempfehlen.

Vor nicht allzulanger Zeit, publizierten Werbeplakate nebst der Botschaft des Werbers seine Geschäftsadresse, oder / und seine Webadresse.

Heute kommt es noch besser: Da braucht man sich nichts zu notieren oder zu merken: Schnell QR-Code einscannen und später, in aller Ruhe lesen und studieren. Oder gleich unterwegs kurz einen Blick auf die Botschaft werfen, auf dem Handy-Display. Nur sollte das nicht beim Autofahren oder Gehen in der Fussgängerzone geschehen, sondern dort, wo Sie eine Pause einlegen, und es sich bequem gemacht haben. Auf einer Sitzbank, oder im Tram, Zug, Taxi, etc.. Oder noch besser: Zu Hause auf dem Sofa, anstatt das "Pantoffel-Kino" einzuschalten. (Werbe-Botschaften) brauchen Ihre Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Nicht nur Fernseh-Werbespots können unterhalten, sondern auch gut aufgemachte Webseiten. Viel Spass. Und lernen Sie viel Gutes und Nützliches. Ich glaube, dass auch die Werbe-Auftraggeber und Werbe-Agenturen eingesehen haben, dass Volksverblödung, Brainwashing, etc., nicht der alleinige Garant für höhere Verkaufs- und Umsatzzahlen sind. Die Konsumenten sind nicht (alle) blöd, und möchten das auch verstanden wissen, durch etwas anspruchsvollere und interessante Werbung, die auch vermittelt, dass die Firma / der Werber sich verantwortlich gibt, und dem Nachhaltigkeit kein Fremdwort ist. Denn nachhaltige und umweltschonende Produkte können auch Teil der Eigenschaften sein, welche die Nachfrage beinhaltet. Es wird gerade diese Art von Werbung sein, die beim Kunden ankommt, und seine Konsumwünsche befriedigen kann.

Ehrliche und gute Produkte, werden siegen. Kunden-Verarsche is out. Denn mittlerweile können sich die Konsumenten besser und umfangreicher über den Markt und seine Angebote und Produkte informieren. Auch mobile, "on the go" / unterwegs.

Das Mobile Marketing trifft auf Menschen die mobil sind, und das Internet vermehrt auch mobil benutzen. "Um sehen und gesehen zu werden". Also, um Etwas über Sie und Ihre Firma zu erfahren, oder um sich selber darzustellen und zu zeigen. Bestehende Netzwerke helfen, Botschaften zu verbreiten. "Share" (Teile), Dies und Das, geht nirgendswo einfacher und schneller.
Twitter ist beliebt, und respektiert die Tatsache, dass Ihre Zeit kostbar ist, und sie nicht (unbedingt) Stunden und Tage im Internet verbringen möchten.

Zum Schluss bleibt dann doch noch die Frage, wo die besseren Angebot zu Finden sind: Unterwegs, in Zeitungen, oder online im Internet.

Das Internet bietet den Vorteil, dass man konzentriert und gezielt nach infos Suchen kann.
Wenn sie jedoch Google Search nicht vollumfänglich verstehen und nutzen können, kommen Sie wohlmöglich zu kurz, und es entgehen Ihnen interessante Infos und Angebote.
Eine Vertrautheit in der Bedienung der Suchmaschinen ist deshalb von grossem Vorteil, wenn Sie anstatt der vielen veralteten Botschaft, auch ganz aktuelle "herausfischen" wollen.
Dafür gibt es am linken Rand Ihres Bildschirmes weitere Such-Optionen, die man nutzen sollte.

Zwar indexiert Google neue Inhalte und Seiten sehr schnell, nur dauert es sehr lange, bis diese allenfalls nach "Vorne" gefunden haben. Das zurückblättern, können Sie sich ersparen, wenn Sie nach den neuesten Nachrichten suchen, indem Sie diese Suche gezielt eingeben:

Method 1:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Everything
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week

Method 2:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Blogs
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week

Method 3:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Updates
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week


Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010
